One of the things you have to be careful of when programming is to pay good attention to what the rules say, and not just to what seems to work. The rules say you're not supposed to return a pointer to a locally-allocated array, and that's a real, true rule.

If you don't get an error when you write a program that returns a pointer to a locally-allocated array, that doesn't mean it was okay. (Although, it means you really ought to get a newer compiler, because any decent, modern compiler will warn about this.)

If you write a program that returns a pointer to a locally-allocated array and it seems to work, that doesn't mean it was okay, either. Be really careful about this: In general, in programming, but especially in C, seeming to work is not proof that your program is okay. What you really want is for your program to work for the right reasons.

Suppose you rent an apartment. Suppose, when your lease is up, and you move out, your landlord does not collect your key from you, but...

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