“There are instances where that choice isn’t there, so I think it’s important to address the privilege involved in having that choice and being able to express yourself through what you wear.”

“Introverts are my muse. Your clothes should speak for you, and give you that quiet strength by being able to fill in the blanks so you're not having to explain yourself. There's a way that your clothes do some of that work, and you can feel empowered and strengthened by that armour.

I definitely love being that like quiet stranger in a crowd, because then I opened my mouth and all the mystery is gone. I love the feeling of just going to a concert by myself and enjoying the music, but being social through what I’m wearing. Because you have stories in your mind when you meet someone, of what their life is like and who they are. It’s like falling in love. That wild imaginative state of fantasy about someone.”

“It’s not a race or competition of who needs to exist. There’s room for everything. That’s the most empowering thing about clothes. You do you and I’ll do me — we exist anyway.”