“I’m vegan, in my own garments I’m not going to use any animal products. Humans are animals, so I’m not going to buy fabrics from unethical production places. At first I thought of veganism as just my diet — but then morals, ethics, my personal health, world health, and animal welfare all came into play. I couldn’t flip off that switch, I had to bring it to my garments.”

“I spent so many years battling with my own negative body image that a personal philosophy of mine is that the clothes should fit you, you should not fit the clothes. You should not be trying something on and being like, ‘What's wrong with me? Why does this look so bad?’ If it looks bad and doesn't fit, you move on. Your clothing should not be something that you have to fight. So one of my principles is to make things that fit a lot of shapes and flatter a lot of bodies.”

“There should always be a really fine balance of simplicity and complexity. Like, complex meaning, simple garment.”