“Recently I’ve been obsessed with the things I was obsessed with as a kid or teenager. Like, think of all the things you wanted but didn’t get, that you admired from afar. So there was this video game, Jet Set Radio Future, I only played it once as a kid and it left this huge impression on me. I was like, ‘wow I hope the future’s like that!’ So I’ve been circling back to that a lot, in terms of not even the clothing, but the overall feeling of it. It’s like retro futurism from a Y2K point of view. I want to lean into the playfulness of that era.

I want to be more playful with my work and who I am.”

“Explore the things you like outside of clothes. Explore who you are in terms of, where do you find yourself? Do you like certain sports? Do you like certain music? Do you like certain art? What are you drawn to? And then how can you bring that into your world? For me, I definitely like fixating on movies a lot, especially colours in movies and silhouettes. Sometimes I’ll go to fictional characters that embody certain archetypal qualities. I do think you need to have conversations with yourself about what makes you you and your consistency in terms of how you connect with the world. You’re leaving little breadcrumbs about who you are for people to read.”

“I personally am not really going to change my style ever. I know it’s like, too early of a promise. But in my defense, I feel like I’ve always just liked this realm of work-wear. It’s definitely evolved, and I’m not against evolution. But if you are a brand, you shouldn’t really change what you set out to do, if anything you should just be adding to it. Keep it linear. But don’t keep it so consistent that it’s boring. Consistency but not too on the nose.”