Learning In and Out of School

Summer’s over and school’s in session. A semester of formal education to some will be a season of informal learning to others. Growth continues on all sides, not linear but inevitable.

Are.na is a unique place to watch insight grow, whether by intention or accident, in carefully tended plots and in wild patches by the side of the information superhighway. Classes come together, open-ended collections come into maturity, and people discover new affinities between thoughts. We have the good fortune to share the harvest.

Here’s a collection of channels from many different learning pathways: studio programs, shared reading lists, lecture classes, unschooling experiments, self-organized workshops, and wide-open questions on pedagogy.

Alternative Education

Southland Institute

A Los Angeles workshop and resource center dedicated to exploring, identifying, and implementing meaningful, affordable, sustainable alternatives to higher education in art and design in the United States.

Free School of Architecture

A participant-led, six week event committed to the free exploration and exchange of ideas in and around architecture, freed from traditional pedagogical and professional frameworks.

Learning Gardens

A meta-organization for non-institutional learning groups.


Lukas W / Effective Pedagogy

Roberto Greco / Unschooling

Sara Kaaman / making school

Teaching on Are.na

Elizabeth Yarina / Agency of Mapping

Daniel Lefcourt / RISD EFS

Callil Capuozzo / exercises that are antidotes to boring classes

Resource channels

Teaching on Are.na

A growing, open collection of class channels (feel free to add your own!)

Design Education Resources

Tips, free tools, inspiration, syllabi, PDFs, and more

Self-Directed Learning Tools

An archive of channels dedicated to DIY education strategies

Are.na Dispatch is a biweekly selection of new blog posts and notable channels, selected by the Are.na team and community. Subscribe here.