Me daba vergüenza mostrar mi brazo, así que cuando llegó la preadolescencia le hice prometer a mi mamá que íbamos a operar la cicatriz para que desapareciera. Ella, que nunca me había hecho sentir que mi cicatriz era fea, me dijo que haríamos lo que yo quisiera, pero que tenía que esperar a crecer del todo pues mi piel debía terminar de estirarse.
En su libro Crying in H-Mart Michelle Zauner habla de cómo, dos semanas antes de que su madre muriera de cáncer, ella y su novio se casaron. Fue una boda medio improvisada y acelerada para que la madre moribunda pudiera estar presente. La boda fue creada para ella, la madre; un teatro de alegría en medio de la tragedia. La perspectiva de la boda de su hija mantiene a la madre viva. Al final, a pesar del halo de muerte que acecha a la familia, el matrimonio se lleva a cabo y hay alegría y amor y abrazos y luna de miel.
Es imposible no ver la tristeza en la celebración; vino tinto sobre una sábana blanca. Sin embargo, es también claro que...

by Laurel Schwulst
74 blocks
about 1 month ago

You had said something really mind blowing to me in your piece that was so simple, about care. Which is this idea that, to take care is a masculine concept and to caretake is a feminine concept. Again, language is so vital to our understanding of how we operate in this world.

Language, like money, is nothing. Yet like money, language can do anything. Language and money are shaping our future in many ways. They are prophetic.

by Skyler Vander Molen
515 blocks
7 days ago Annual 2021 Readings
by ~ yana
43 blocks
about 3 years ago

Poetry is the act of language that cannot be defined, as "to define" means to limit, and poetry is precisely the excess that goes beyond the limits of language, which is to say beyond the limits of the world itself.

Yes. Translating is to impose oneself, to produce a text through a constraint which is represented by the original text. And for me, in a utopian way of thinking, there is no difference between languages. I would like to know a lot of languages, but unfortunately it takes too long to practice so I just am able to balbutiate in English. But it’s very interesting to try to produce the same text when you start from a different one.

false friend


a word or expression that has a similar form to one in a person's native language, but a different meaning (for example English magazine and French magasin ‘shop’).

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